Home Opener 2015

A year ago the start of the Twins season brought with it some cautious optimism. The Twins offense showed signs of being, at the very least, interesting and while nobody was thinking playoffs, entertaining baseball and a .500 team did not seem out of the question.

Today, the only optimism I feel towards the Minnesota Twins’ home opener comes from the beautiful spring weather and the fact that I get to spend the afternoon enjoying that rather than a view of teflon.

Maybe that’s not entirely true. The news that Trevor May will be starting the game will perhaps provide a small glimpse into the bright future for the Minnesota Twins.

That bright future, entirely theoretical at this point, seems to be a smaller dot on the horizon than it did at this time last year. It is hard to look at any aspect of the team and see improvement from a year ago. The defense looks worse on paper and on the field; what little hope the pitching has of being more than mediocre is probably dependent on defensive improvement; and it seems that the ever expanding strike zone might be the worst enemy of an offense that lived and died by drawing walks last season.

I believe the last time I was less excited for a new baseball season, at least for the home team, was in the mid 1990’s.

Still, through the magic of MLB.tv I can begin the process of choosing a secondary team to follow for the season. It’s not the same as Minnesota Twins success, but it will have to do for now.

And the fact remains that I will be sitting in the sun watching baseball this afternoon, and even the worst teams win about a third of their games.



One Response to Home Opener 2015

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